I'm dumb yes I am..
But not blind at all..
I love the one I love so much, more than you know..
But my love isn't blind..
Senin, 12 Oktober 2009
Rabu, 30 September 2009
heyy beautiess!!!
hay hayy all.. :)
Haven't blogging for α few weeks..
This 10days I being left by my bf :(
He go to turkey, and left me here in medan,ihiks..
But finally α few days again he will be home.. Hehe..
For this α few weeks I spend my weekend with my midnite girlfriend lilo.. Hahah..
Guess who is she?! Yeap amena antoniues (skinniest girl alife,lol) .. She really gonna be angry if she read this..
Fyi, My another personel of midnite chat is going aboard to sg (the hilton's).. You know who you are..
Hahaha... But she back today, and she already ✉ me..
Ooo I ♥ my girls so much more then they know, I don't know how can I life without them (seriously)...
So tonight in the middle of silent night I blogging with my ..
Because it's already more then 1am now..
tommorow I plan to call α yoga place near my bf house (in front my bf house actually) ha..
Mena attracted to yoga class, so it sound interesting for me too..
So my be we will take α class together.. (I hope I got more shape from there)
Anyway to day α lot of eartquake appear.. Shocking, but I didn't feel it..
at first my mom say she feel it, but I don't feel any, then α few hours later tv showing the news about the eatquake if I'm not mistaken it's a about 7,6..
Is that α big eartquake?
Ok now it's a time to finished today blog, g2g now guyss...
I hope I will updates asap..
Ps for bla bla bla: " i better being hated because who I am, then loved for who I am not" :)
It human rights to commenting people and dislike other people, but I'm happy bout myself..
And nobody can change that.
Love you all beauties ♡,
Haven't blogging for α few weeks..
This 10days I being left by my bf :(
He go to turkey, and left me here in medan,ihiks..
But finally α few days again he will be home.. Hehe..
For this α few weeks I spend my weekend with my midnite girlfriend lilo.. Hahah..
Guess who is she?! Yeap amena antoniues (skinniest girl alife,lol) .. She really gonna be angry if she read this..
Fyi, My another personel of midnite chat is going aboard to sg (the hilton's).. You know who you are..
Hahaha... But she back today, and she already ✉ me..
Ooo I ♥ my girls so much more then they know, I don't know how can I life without them (seriously)...
So tonight in the middle of silent night I blogging with my ..
Because it's already more then 1am now..
tommorow I plan to call α yoga place near my bf house (in front my bf house actually) ha..
Mena attracted to yoga class, so it sound interesting for me too..
So my be we will take α class together.. (I hope I got more shape from there)
Anyway to day α lot of eartquake appear.. Shocking, but I didn't feel it..
at first my mom say she feel it, but I don't feel any, then α few hours later tv showing the news about the eatquake if I'm not mistaken it's a about 7,6..
Is that α big eartquake?
Ok now it's a time to finished today blog, g2g now guyss...
I hope I will updates asap..
Ps for bla bla bla: " i better being hated because who I am, then loved for who I am not" :)
It human rights to commenting people and dislike other people, but I'm happy bout myself..
And nobody can change that.
Love you all beauties ♡,
Sabtu, 12 September 2009
Secret is always used to hide badthings, nobody hide goodthings..
Agree with me guys?
yeah yeahh...
ini berlaku bued gw jg...
Jd nih ceritanya ttg pemikiran gw baru2 ini...
Ada org blg ngaq lah ini bukan apa2, ngaq ada apa2, kyk rahasia2an..
Kalo mmg ngaq ada apa2 kenapa mesti rahasia2an ,bener kan?
Dan pastinya 99% gw yakin, rahasia itu selalu menjurus kpd hal yg ngaq bagus...
Rahasia identik sama bohong...
Karna gw tau kalo hal baek, hal bagus, hal keren2.. Pasti deh ngaq mgkn org2 rahasiaan...
Rahasia itu adalah nyembunyiin sesuatu yg tercela, sesuatu yg buruk, aib ato de el el..
Gw ngaq munaknik.. Ini berlaku jg bued gw..
Kalo gw bangga akan sesuatu, sesuatu yg baek atau hebad terjadi dalam hidup, ngaq mgkn kt rahasiaan..
Malahan ada tipe2 org yg bakal gembor sana sini..
Nah kalo hal buruk pasti kt tutup rahasiain bahkan pake bohong utk menutupin.
Dedicated to someone inspired me today...
yeah yeahh...
ini berlaku bued gw jg...
Jd nih ceritanya ttg pemikiran gw baru2 ini...
Ada org blg ngaq lah ini bukan apa2, ngaq ada apa2, kyk rahasia2an..
Kalo mmg ngaq ada apa2 kenapa mesti rahasia2an ,bener kan?
Dan pastinya 99% gw yakin, rahasia itu selalu menjurus kpd hal yg ngaq bagus...
Rahasia identik sama bohong...
Karna gw tau kalo hal baek, hal bagus, hal keren2.. Pasti deh ngaq mgkn org2 rahasiaan...
Rahasia itu adalah nyembunyiin sesuatu yg tercela, sesuatu yg buruk, aib ato de el el..
Gw ngaq munaknik.. Ini berlaku jg bued gw..
Kalo gw bangga akan sesuatu, sesuatu yg baek atau hebad terjadi dalam hidup, ngaq mgkn kt rahasiaan..
Malahan ada tipe2 org yg bakal gembor sana sini..
Nah kalo hal buruk pasti kt tutup rahasiain bahkan pake bohong utk menutupin.
Dedicated to someone inspired me today...
Selasa, 01 September 2009
Every woman should have four pets in her life?!!
Every women should have four pets in her life:
A mink in her closet,
A jaguar in her garage,
A tiger in her bed,
And a jackass who pays for everything.
Baru ajah nih gw ngbaca quote ini, ngena banget..
And really inspiring,LOL
sejak beberapa minggu ini gw lagi hobby baca lagi novel2
Quote ini gw kutip dr novel yg baca judulnya glamgirls (buku yg sangat2 gw rekomen elo2 baca)
Krn setiep chapternya dia ngasih kt quote2 yg keren banget,
Ngaq nyesel deh cerita2nya jg menarik banget, segerrr...
And anyway, one more I wanna share..
Just now I'm thinking about FRIEND..
Hmm complicated..
Kadang saat diperluin malah bukan yg itu yg muncul,
Kadang pengen dicurhatin eh yg itu nerimanya kyk kurang ngerespek..
Yah mgkn kadang cerita2 org curhat agak bosenin tapi
Whatever people tell you somethings please pay attention..
Especially your friend..:)
That's the new thing I learned this few months..
And I'll do the best to become a good listener too, so others will not feel sad when telling story to me..
Even it's just a little funny things but it's important
Itu tuh kadang yg jarang kt perhatiin (termasuk gw) hehe...
A mink in her closet,
A jaguar in her garage,
A tiger in her bed,
And a jackass who pays for everything.
Baru ajah nih gw ngbaca quote ini, ngena banget..
And really inspiring,LOL
sejak beberapa minggu ini gw lagi hobby baca lagi novel2
Quote ini gw kutip dr novel yg baca judulnya glamgirls (buku yg sangat2 gw rekomen elo2 baca)
Krn setiep chapternya dia ngasih kt quote2 yg keren banget,
Ngaq nyesel deh cerita2nya jg menarik banget, segerrr...
And anyway, one more I wanna share..
Just now I'm thinking about FRIEND..
Hmm complicated..
Kadang saat diperluin malah bukan yg itu yg muncul,
Kadang pengen dicurhatin eh yg itu nerimanya kyk kurang ngerespek..
Yah mgkn kadang cerita2 org curhat agak bosenin tapi
Whatever people tell you somethings please pay attention..
Especially your friend..:)
That's the new thing I learned this few months..
And I'll do the best to become a good listener too, so others will not feel sad when telling story to me..
Even it's just a little funny things but it's important
Itu tuh kadang yg jarang kt perhatiin (termasuk gw) hehe...
Minggu, 30 Agustus 2009
accepting the white flag
Eng ing eng..
Uda pada baca kan cerita sebelumnya nah hari ini tu si itu tuhh..
Msg me and giving me the white flag..
Meskipun si itu masi ngaq mudeng mksdku,
Kublas dengan sehalus mgkn apa mksdku sebenernya,
Bukannya jealous2an BUT sksd2an topicnya..
Tp berhubung si itu ini uda ada etikat baeq,
Pake msg2 aku gt...
Y udah aku jg memberikan etikat baeq. Semaximal yg aku bs,
Walaupun gw beneran nahan berat bued ngaq nyolod, hehe
But after all I said that berhubung ada etikat baek gw anggap ni ngaq pernah ada..
Ooups she reply me again..
Wait wait.. Readinggg..
She said thank you for my understanding (hmm hmm)
She know what I mean and bla bla bla..
anyway I accepting the with flag she gave me..
Not that kindda person that not accepting the word "sorry"... :)
Uda pada baca kan cerita sebelumnya nah hari ini tu si itu tuhh..
Msg me and giving me the white flag..
Meskipun si itu masi ngaq mudeng mksdku,
Kublas dengan sehalus mgkn apa mksdku sebenernya,
Bukannya jealous2an BUT sksd2an topicnya..
Tp berhubung si itu ini uda ada etikat baeq,
Pake msg2 aku gt...
Y udah aku jg memberikan etikat baeq. Semaximal yg aku bs,
Walaupun gw beneran nahan berat bued ngaq nyolod, hehe
But after all I said that berhubung ada etikat baek gw anggap ni ngaq pernah ada..
Ooups she reply me again..
Wait wait.. Readinggg..
She said thank you for my understanding (hmm hmm)
She know what I mean and bla bla bla..
anyway I accepting the with flag she gave me..
Not that kindda person that not accepting the word "sorry"... :)
Haye all,
Cerita-cerita nih...
Baru2 ini ada 1 anaq sksd mulu ke tempet cow gw..
Yah gw tanya lah yah cow gw, kenal kagak ma ni seiprit
Ktnya jg ngaq kenal (nah lo)..
Terus tuch ada lg temen gw jg kena gt di tempet cownya, si SKSD ini masi org yg sama..
(Demi rasa tenggang rasa yg berlebih enggaq gw cantumkan namasi SKSD)
Trus lama kelamaan, kan dicuekin mulu tuh ma cow gw..
lgsg gw skak pas dia ngomong intinya mksdnya jgn suka SKSD..
Hahaha.. Malu deh tu org pastii..
Terus nih eh si tuyul ini nyari masalah pikirnya gw jealous... OMG..
Merasa temen katanya?
Padahal sama sekali ngaq sikenel.. Perasaan gw pikir dia mau ngerebut cow gw..
Mgkn da kata2 pelarian kali yah krn kalah malu diblg SKSD.. Haha
Malu yahhh tuyul? Sorry deh for my rudeness..
(Tertawa dengan penuh sindirann)...
Cerita-cerita nih...
Baru2 ini ada 1 anaq sksd mulu ke tempet cow gw..
Yah gw tanya lah yah cow gw, kenal kagak ma ni seiprit
Ktnya jg ngaq kenal (nah lo)..
Terus tuch ada lg temen gw jg kena gt di tempet cownya, si SKSD ini masi org yg sama..
(Demi rasa tenggang rasa yg berlebih enggaq gw cantumkan namasi SKSD)
Trus lama kelamaan, kan dicuekin mulu tuh ma cow gw..
lgsg gw skak pas dia ngomong intinya mksdnya jgn suka SKSD..
Hahaha.. Malu deh tu org pastii..
Terus nih eh si tuyul ini nyari masalah pikirnya gw jealous... OMG..
Merasa temen katanya?
Padahal sama sekali ngaq sikenel.. Perasaan gw pikir dia mau ngerebut cow gw..
Mgkn da kata2 pelarian kali yah krn kalah malu diblg SKSD.. Haha
Malu yahhh tuyul? Sorry deh for my rudeness..
(Tertawa dengan penuh sindirann)...
Kamis, 11 Juni 2009
REUNI? kapan?
hari ini.. libur libur lagiy...
and of course i'm happy...
anyway.. long time no see! ;)
bulan lalu gw ngerayain ultahh pass 22th may..
with my bf.. just 2 of us..
nunggu sampe tepat jem 12 malem "teng" trus dia ngucepin happy b'day (jd org yg pertama)..
dan dia seneng karana jd yg pertama.. hahaha...
trus makasi bgt buet temen2 yg pada uda ngucepin..
seneng bgt pada inget sama ultah kuw..
especially yg ngasi2 kado pdhl ngaq diteraktir.. hehe..
nanti taun depen de yahh kuteraktir.. haha
dan pastinya dimna ada kesenangan ada juga yg sedi2 niy...
ada beberapa target yg ngaq nyampe bulan lalu ampe sekarangg...
trus janji2 yg blum sempet ditepatin juga bykk..
anyway kangen de sama byk org..
da lama pada pisa2..
kapan yah bisa reunian???
mosa2 bisa ASAP reunian...
and of course i'm happy...
anyway.. long time no see! ;)
bulan lalu gw ngerayain ultahh pass 22th may..
with my bf.. just 2 of us..
nunggu sampe tepat jem 12 malem "teng" trus dia ngucepin happy b'day (jd org yg pertama)..
dan dia seneng karana jd yg pertama.. hahaha...
trus makasi bgt buet temen2 yg pada uda ngucepin..
seneng bgt pada inget sama ultah kuw..
especially yg ngasi2 kado pdhl ngaq diteraktir.. hehe..
nanti taun depen de yahh kuteraktir.. haha
dan pastinya dimna ada kesenangan ada juga yg sedi2 niy...
ada beberapa target yg ngaq nyampe bulan lalu ampe sekarangg...
trus janji2 yg blum sempet ditepatin juga bykk..
anyway kangen de sama byk org..
da lama pada pisa2..
kapan yah bisa reunian???
mosa2 bisa ASAP reunian...
to be continued...
Sabtu, 11 April 2009
today is great hope tomorrow is best!
here me saturday night sitting in front my pc..
kepala kosong bgt bahkan ngaq tau apa yg mau diceritain..
let see..
pertama2.. o yes HE♥ (my BF) got his dreamcar *akhirnya... then i'm feel happy for him (*of course) cause i can ride it too.. LOL.. XP
then today bangun pagi2 , siang2 tepatnya terus mandi dandan and doing all the stuff trus nunggu dijemput sama si dia.. trus dijemput sebelum jem 5 gitu,nah setlah itu all day with him.. hehe... seneng.. :) dan setelah itu malemnya dengan perut yg sudah keroncongan luar biasa akhirnya makan pecel lele! (*so YUMMY) then pulang de.. just a short story tapi all day so far is pretty good..
oo iya siangnya masi sempet ngajarin my lil bro buet ngebuat balon dr permen karet dan akhirnya berhasil.. i'm a good teacher right?? haha...
and 1 lagiy i found new nick name, AQUENE yg artinya peace.. aku ketemuin tuch dr situs nama2 bintang...
nickname aku sebelumnya tu namanya AZALEA but setelah sekali lagiy aku liet artinya tu fragile passion,jd pas ngelied2 kyknya AQUENE ini nyangkut bgt dihati! gitu de ceritanya.. :))
kepala kosong bgt bahkan ngaq tau apa yg mau diceritain..
let see..
pertama2.. o yes HE♥ (my BF) got his dreamcar *akhirnya... then i'm feel happy for him (*of course) cause i can ride it too.. LOL.. XP
then today bangun pagi2 , siang2 tepatnya terus mandi dandan and doing all the stuff trus nunggu dijemput sama si dia.. trus dijemput sebelum jem 5 gitu,nah setlah itu all day with him.. hehe... seneng.. :) dan setelah itu malemnya dengan perut yg sudah keroncongan luar biasa akhirnya makan pecel lele! (*so YUMMY) then pulang de.. just a short story tapi all day so far is pretty good..
oo iya siangnya masi sempet ngajarin my lil bro buet ngebuat balon dr permen karet dan akhirnya berhasil.. i'm a good teacher right?? haha...
and 1 lagiy i found new nick name, AQUENE yg artinya peace.. aku ketemuin tuch dr situs nama2 bintang...
nickname aku sebelumnya tu namanya AZALEA but setelah sekali lagiy aku liet artinya tu fragile passion,jd pas ngelied2 kyknya AQUENE ini nyangkut bgt dihati! gitu de ceritanya.. :))
Selasa, 07 April 2009
jiaw-jiaw VS buteT
lazy tuesday..
hari ini kuliah lagi kuliah lagiy..
ketemu sama yg namanya Mr.JIAW a.k.a Mr.jiaw jiaw itu de kira2 sebutannya dr kita2..
show off abiess!!! bangga bgt dia kalo perna ketemu sama Surya Paloh.. pamer2in poto2 bareng gitu kasi org sekelas...
Y ampunn...!! then buet kelas dia yg leadership ini kita disuruh buet nyari org yg kita rasa jd leader nah berhubung temen 1 kelompok gw (1 kelompok 2 org) si angelin tu ada sodaraan jaoh gitu sama si Kwik Sam HO akhirnya itu de org yg bakal kita interview plus admire buet tugas kita.. hehe..
dan mampusnya si jiaw" lgsg pamer potonya lagiy sumpah pas gw lied dia ngeluarin hapenya yg notabene blackberry(skalian mau pamer kali ye?) itu gw pikir dia mau telp si Kwik Sam HO.. sok sok kenel gitu juga.. haha..
ternyata malah pamerin potonya... LOL..
Setelah itu langsung nyambung ke cerita si BENK a.k.a angelin dia pelihara hamster namanya BUTET.. nah nasib si BUTET ini malang bgt di bunuh dgn cara digigit lehernya oleh pasangannya sendiri... kanibal bgt kan! poor butet..!
bukan temen makan temen tapi suami makan istri.. gimna yah perasaannya itu waktu digigit idup2 oleh pasangannya sendiri?? NGERI BUANGET!
dan kenapa pasangan si BUTET ngebunuh dia??
misteri misteri..
hari ini kuliah lagi kuliah lagiy..
ketemu sama yg namanya Mr.JIAW a.k.a Mr.jiaw jiaw itu de kira2 sebutannya dr kita2..
show off abiess!!! bangga bgt dia kalo perna ketemu sama Surya Paloh.. pamer2in poto2 bareng gitu kasi org sekelas...
Y ampunn...!! then buet kelas dia yg leadership ini kita disuruh buet nyari org yg kita rasa jd leader nah berhubung temen 1 kelompok gw (1 kelompok 2 org) si angelin tu ada sodaraan jaoh gitu sama si Kwik Sam HO akhirnya itu de org yg bakal kita interview plus admire buet tugas kita.. hehe..
dan mampusnya si jiaw" lgsg pamer potonya lagiy sumpah pas gw lied dia ngeluarin hapenya yg notabene blackberry(skalian mau pamer kali ye?) itu gw pikir dia mau telp si Kwik Sam HO.. sok sok kenel gitu juga.. haha..
ternyata malah pamerin potonya... LOL..
Setelah itu langsung nyambung ke cerita si BENK a.k.a angelin dia pelihara hamster namanya BUTET.. nah nasib si BUTET ini malang bgt di bunuh dgn cara digigit lehernya oleh pasangannya sendiri... kanibal bgt kan! poor butet..!
bukan temen makan temen tapi suami makan istri.. gimna yah perasaannya itu waktu digigit idup2 oleh pasangannya sendiri?? NGERI BUANGET!
dan kenapa pasangan si BUTET ngebunuh dia??
misteri misteri..
Jumat, 06 Februari 2009
good luck come,bad luck go awayy!!
hola friends!
today mata ku nyut2an sebelah kanan bawah..
i'm so scare what will happen
because usually people said that if you feel like that ,bad thing will happen or you will cry!
ohh it's so bothering me today..
i don't want bad thing happen today..
to much bad things already happen,please not again.. haiss..
i hope it's really just a myth!!
please good luck come,bad luck go awayyy!!!!!
today mata ku nyut2an sebelah kanan bawah..
i'm so scare what will happen
because usually people said that if you feel like that ,bad thing will happen or you will cry!
ohh it's so bothering me today..
i don't want bad thing happen today..
to much bad things already happen,please not again.. haiss..
i hope it's really just a myth!!
please good luck come,bad luck go awayyy!!!!!
Senin, 02 Februari 2009
what i want
please don't messing me with trouble again..
gw juga cuman mau jadi orang baek2 dan hidup baek2...
gw ngaq ganggu loe & loe juga gw harap jgn ganggu gw..
i don't like trouble..
apalagi if talk about parents..
it's very hurt my feeling when i hear a people like you said that..
in front of me you say you love me like we are family but in my back you say i'm not good..
just want to let you know my feeling..
gw juga cuman mau jadi orang baek2 dan hidup baek2...
gw ngaq ganggu loe & loe juga gw harap jgn ganggu gw..
i don't like trouble..
apalagi if talk about parents..
it's very hurt my feeling when i hear a people like you said that..
in front of me you say you love me like we are family but in my back you say i'm not good..
just want to let you know my feeling..
dear friend,
akhirnya i'm back again..
balik semalem.. trus bad things & good things happen in my vacation..
yg pertama yg bad dulu...
lost all of the contact list..
jadi friends, bakalan ada new number,trus contact me please so i can know your number..
and then good things is I'm very happie there in my vacation,even though i lost my phone..
a lot of things i see there.. the beach the lake and all of it...! & of course shopping!! lol
jd pengen pulang tapi ngaq pengen pulang..
apalgi kalo pulang ke medan bakalan ada iblis2 berkeliaran.. huh..
i must prepare again since i back!
hope every days is a happy days here in Medan..
GTG,will back soon with another stories..
akhirnya i'm back again..
balik semalem.. trus bad things & good things happen in my vacation..
yg pertama yg bad dulu...
lost all of the contact list..
jadi friends, bakalan ada new number,trus contact me please so i can know your number..
and then good things is I'm very happie there in my vacation,even though i lost my phone..
a lot of things i see there.. the beach the lake and all of it...! & of course shopping!! lol
jd pengen pulang tapi ngaq pengen pulang..
apalgi kalo pulang ke medan bakalan ada iblis2 berkeliaran.. huh..
i must prepare again since i back!
hope every days is a happy days here in Medan..
GTG,will back soon with another stories..
Rabu, 07 Januari 2009
i hope is not to late to say HAPPY NEW YEAR'S
a big HUG & KISS from me!!
wishing you have a fabulous life in this year..
hip hip hurray!!
i hav a very happy night with my bf and my friends in new year's eve..
we celebrating our new year's eve in Grand SwissBell Hotel..
but before that me and all my bf family having dinner in benteng..
i want to put the pict here but i don't know why can't.. so mybe next time i'll put it..
and for today,
7th january 2009
i don't have any class today so all day i'm so boring at home.. fiuh..
donnu what to do,there's nothing to do at home..
and because of that, the only thing i did is just eat eat and eat..
OMG if everyday like this mybe after a year i'll returns to be an elephant!!!
and for now i really really need a DIET program..
is some of you have a success DIET PROGRAM please tell me ASAP..
because i really really need it..!
thanks anyway.. ***
i hope is not to late to say HAPPY NEW YEAR'S
a big HUG & KISS from me!!
wishing you have a fabulous life in this year..
hip hip hurray!!
i hav a very happy night with my bf and my friends in new year's eve..
we celebrating our new year's eve in Grand SwissBell Hotel..
but before that me and all my bf family having dinner in benteng..
i want to put the pict here but i don't know why can't.. so mybe next time i'll put it..
and for today,
7th january 2009
i don't have any class today so all day i'm so boring at home.. fiuh..
donnu what to do,there's nothing to do at home..
and because of that, the only thing i did is just eat eat and eat..
OMG if everyday like this mybe after a year i'll returns to be an elephant!!!
and for now i really really need a DIET program..
is some of you have a success DIET PROGRAM please tell me ASAP..
because i really really need it..!
thanks anyway.. ***
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