Selasa, 30 Desember 2008

tommy b'day eve

today is tommy b'day eve..
and we'll go to eat and treat some close friend...
i already reserve a place in oflaherty's.. ass tommy ask me to..
and we'll go at 9.30 pm..

& today:
my hearth is still complicated,
i dunno what i must to do..
this or that.. i really don't know what i must to do..
ohh holly God.. please show me the way...
i'm too tired to hav a heartbroken again.. huh..

i hope everythings gonna be alright

Rabu, 24 Desember 2008


hi everyone..!
all i want to say is


Santa's comin *REALLY!
and i'm here waiting for HIM

may GOD bless all of you..
and make next year a more beautiful year!!

Jumat, 19 Desember 2008

funny little stories

hi hi friends!!
just now i answer the question in bulbo &
i consider that my first love name is the same with my last love(*i hope)...
so now i tell you guys about my first love..
it's the story when i was a little girl mybe it's 10 years ago or mybe more.. haha..
i'm falling in love with the power ranger that colour white..

(*don't laughing i'm just a little kid when that happen)

and his name is tommy.. lol..
and then just now i consider that his name & my beloved boyfriend now is same..
i't so funny remmembering how can i love him,*ROLF..
but for sure it's just a silly little girl monkey love..
for now i love my bf so much,more then he know...


Kamis, 18 Desember 2008

i love DECEMBER!

december december..
santa is coming..
my baby b'day is coming..
december always full of joy.. so i love it..
so much!!

i go to my college and enter one class
then i go to sun plaza because my friend (*mena) is freaking out about something
so we need to talk..
and the story is about
something quit big is happen and it's so so complicated..
i'm so confuse about this thing..
this about people that doin' a mistake that she/he already know that she/he musn't do it! so silly falling in the same hole in the second times.

i hope this all will finish ASAP

Kamis, 11 Desember 2008

my blog newest face..

why yellow?
this the answer
i love yellow so much..
the 1st of my fav. colours is yellow...
so i use it,then i like the colour that result by yellow+black..
nah.. then this is the result..

but peoples said that peoples that like yellow is jealousy person..
and i'm sure 'bout it.. (*lol)


i'm kindda a jealousy person,i don't know why..
but what i know is just i want to protecting and defending what is MINE..
i don't like people steal and rile (*willfully or not) "things" that belong to me...
especially THE ONE I LOVED..

SO for somegirls or everyone out there.. go away,go far far away from me...
i don't like wars,but if i used too ,I will beibeh..!!!

♥ peace *G



sometimes i think X is a good person but sometime i think X is a bad bad bad person..
but more a lot of my times think that X is BAD..
why i feel like that?
it's so confusing myself..
what should i do?
after years pass by,it's really become more complicated! (*so much)


which one is the real you X?? please stop bothering me..!!!


Senin, 01 Desember 2008

together, kita pasti bisa kurus *C!

by request, the newest story now!!

start from....

yesterday :
sunday sunday...
going out with all my friend
sallie (cutie one,love her!)
lavenna(*yg makin gendut,jd ngaq bagi 1/2 aset mu ke mena & 1/3 buetQ?)
amena (*baju kita kembaran semua ni ngaq peliharaan ngaq yg punya.. ckckck!)
angeline (*so different now after takin college in SG)
then akhirnyaaa.. malemnya aq pergi makan barengan ma cow ku tercinta... makan sate y di MW makan di mobil sambil ntn di mobil.. seru.. i like that so much much much...! XP

today :
monday monday...
setelah ngeliet si "christo bodo" makin kurus jd kepikiran niy mau kurus lagi..
huhu.. knapa siy cew mesti kurus.. penuh dengan perjuangan banget pas kurus tapi naiknya ngaq kira2.. ckckck
christo temen seperjuangan ku semoga dirimu kurus & aq juga kurus langsing singset trus ngaq gendud2 lagi yah..
& moga2 sekurus2mya kita "aset berharga" ngaq ilang... lol.. XP

tommorow :